Greetings shoppers! We’re back with your favourite, short, crisp reads- The “Minis”. With amazing new products in store, we’d like to exclusive give you an insight to a few super special ones! Today’s read is for all travel lovers! A definite “Add To Cart” kinda day!

Well, let’s dive straight into it!
We’ve ready and understood over a period of time that, a person reaches his maturity not with age, but with experiences. There’s much more to see, beyond horizons, different skies and definitely numerous experiences to be lived. Every nook and cranny of this amazing world is filled with different stories, cultures, religions, festivities etc, each having a stellar tale to tell!

There are many of us crammed at work all day, every day, dying to travel, break free and turn into instant nomads, unfortunately it is super difficult to keep track of all places visited! Well, for all those amazing travel enthusiasts and ones with an eye for something quirky yet supremely functional we bring to you the "WANDERLUST" Scratch-Off World Map perfect to keep a travel track in a super fun way!

The map is beautiful and all you've to do is "scratch off" all the places you've visited, and hold on to the crazy hope that you scratch off all the places on the map!

Curious? What if the material is bad or it doesn’t appear as amazing as it looks on screen? Well, fear not check out this amazing product right here and add to cart before they’re all gone!

Get on, and get going!
“Travel now. Money will return, time won’t!”
We hope today’s mini read has helped you find something quirky, yet super useful!
Happy Shopping!