Greetings dear shoppers!
Remember a few months/ years ago we rubbished all the news, rumours and updates about the world coming to an end? Well, it might not end in the way it was predicted, but it is surely on its way to the same fate!

The fires in California every year during this time, Amazon rainforest on fire, glaciers melting in Antarctica, crocodile landing on house roofs in Karnataka due to floods etc!

What else is required to warn us to mend our ways before it all comes shattering down on to us?
Well, we’ve always believed in taking an initiative to help in the right direction, and this time we bring to you something that will help you take a step into saving the world! Believe it or not, small efforts are the key to a big change!

“Reuse, Recycle, And Reduce!” It’s time to put our quotes to actions. With plastic destroying the nature around, contaminating the pristine waters, and causing a shift in natural habitats for the sea life, flora, and fauna around, this product is definitely going to change perspectives. With many influencers, celebrities and famous artists rooting for “NO PLASTIC” including straws, we mould it into reality. These are perfect for every day drinks, travel purposes like camping, hiking, trekking etc.

This is also considered a perfect travel accessory and is not just for the nature lovers, but also for the ones with OCD, and extreme paranoia. Made of 100% food grade collapsible stainless steel, these are the perfect alternative to plastic! They’re also perfect for delicious thick shakes, smoothies or even ice cold coffee! These beautifully curated straws, match your tumblers, glasses, bottles brilliantly.

Grab yours right here before you set off for a nature hike, or even to enjoy your ice tea/coffee guilt free, at

We hope this read has shaken you and helped you realize how important little steps are! We live, and breathe this beautiful planet and have always been selfish by only receiving from it! It is time to give back to Mother Nature, and this world by cleaning up all the mess we’ve made through years in order to ensure that our future generations live a happy healthy life!